At RBD we sell several different products, from different brands.
The measurements vary from piece to piece, for example the measurements of a t-shirt from one brand to the other may be different.
Even being the same brand, it will suffice to change the t-shirt or sweat model and the measures may be different.
We have from the smallest clothing size for baby like 3 months to the largest for Adult like 5XL.
In several models of sweaters and jackets, we have large sizes that are not always found in other stores, such as sizes 3XL, 4XL and 5XL.
Therefore, we recommend that you consult the "Sizes and Specifications" tab that is present in each product (image below).
Use a piece of clothing that you have at home similar to the one you intend to buy and compare the measurements.
See how you can measure the different types of clothing:
If you want to order several types of clothing of different models, but are afraid that the measures vary widely, you can use our product compare tool to compare the measurements (image below).
If you have any questions please contact us!